Marsupium Photography

By magi


A lovely day today after all the rain yesterday. Wandered into Princes St Gardens. The work on the Ross Fountain has started. It is probably my most favourite monument in Edinburgh. Looking forward to seeing it restored to its former glory. On the way back I admired the new robotic gardener. It drew a minor crowd some amazed some not convinced. 

So, tomorrow is the day of reckoning. It is a very strange feeling: hope that things might change, that we can get a government that strives to create a fairer world in which not only the privileged have all the opportunities. Hope, that repeating the same hollow phrases over and over again is not good enough and that actions speak louder than words. Yet, at the same time there is the fear that the current government is reconfirmed and things will get worse.

It has been an incredible few weeks that started with the often repeated but never backed up statement that Labour is unelectable, that Corbyn is a bad leader. However, it was Corbyn and Labour who came up with a positive vision of what our society should be like. The Tories are full of fear and negativity and provide no vision at all. The Tories are delusional in that they think they can turn back the clock 150 years or so when the UK elite exploited both the world and the people at home. They are lying to further the interests of their donors. They spread negativity and fear because they cannot offer any hope and a vision that works for everyone. They are reduced to character attacks. 

It is astonishing to consider the magnitude of financial support the Tories received and how much Corbyn was hammered by the press.

The Tories do not deserve to win this election.

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