#Transport # Uk

On arriving at Kirkenes 9am this beautiful car disembarked having travelled on the ship from Bergen. Their onward journey by road was to Oslo. 
The weather at this terminus for the ship was a  brilliant 16 degrees although it felt more like 20 plus. 
I took a local walk  along the shore with a guide who was a source of fascinating information. We walked back  through a pleasant residential area and saw large clean empty trailers outside every house. The explanation.....there is too much snow to cope with in the first 6 months of the year so people use the trailers to move snow away from their homes to a public area for snow, enabling clear access to their front door. It was still snowing when our guide was here only 12 days ago. Minimum winter temperature -20, maximum summer 30, with of course  24 hour winter darknees and summer 24 hour sun. This morning I woke at 1am, took a walk outside and  shot the extra. In the shot with water  reflection the Russian border is just over the hill.


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