up in the world

Another day, another tick on the bucket list.  Again - luck plays a part. No amount of planning can make it happen if the weather’s not going to play ball.   
About a 10 minute drive from the hotel is a cable car station which climbs up to a plateau about 6000 feet above sea level.  From there it’s possible to walk in the mountains.

The forecast for today was not good.  Although a peek through the bedroom window first thing showed sun on the peaks (see extra), by breakfast time, cloud had replaced the blue sky.  All the advice suggested it would be cold and we wouldn’t be able to see anything.  We decide to put the trip off until tomorrow when the forecast is better.  But by mid-morning we see blue sky again on the peaks so decide to risk it.  

It can get very busy in Summer, but the road up to the cable car station is empty and there are few cars in the car park.  As we walk to the ticket office two coach loads of Spanish tourists arrive and send a runner ahead.  We wait our turn but are overtaken as the rest of the coach parties catch up and we find ourselves gradually going backwards down the line.  It takes nearly an hour before we’re able to get aboard.

The first thing I see when we leave the cable car are four Griffon Vultures soaring on the thermals.  Then a Pied Wagtail and a Redstart; birds I’d not seen before.  And wild flowers I cannot name.

Suddenly the crowds are gone.  Most of the coach parties make for the cafe and a few intrepid walkers (walking sticks, big rucksacks) stride off into the wilds.  It’s surprisingly warm and the extra layers (again advised) were not needed.  We spend about an hour wandering around before the altitude catches up with me and I’ve had enough.

This is a wonderful place and I’m really pleased to have managed it.  Extras show people dwarfed by the mountains and Anniemay being a tourist.  

See Anniemay for more.

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