The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Tree of Knowledge

I went to see a movie with Michelle at Stirling University tonight - indie flick called "Sound of my Voice" about a couple infiltrating a cult to make a documentary. I really enjoyed it but Michelle wasn't so sure.

We still had a bit of time to kill after the movie, so I took my lightpainting gear... I know how to show a girl a good time, me.

This was the 3rd and last composition - Michelle's teeth were chattering and I eventually took the hint. It's her favorite of the 3. I like the "Boot and Ball" shot ( which was close to what I had planned), but the "Blue Sculpture" is definitely work in progress - kept getting flooded by the lights of a police car patrolling the uni grounds. For once I didn't get questioned for behaving suspiciously. In fact a bunch of students sat on a balcony of a nearby bar and pretty much ignored me spinning an orb in front of them with my plumbing pipe/paintroller LED gizmo. It must happen all the time hereabouts or they've been picking funny mushrooms and thought I was some strange enhanced version of reality...

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