Life with Alice

By elirin

Cats and Dogs

It's been raining cats and dogs for the better part of the day, so I had a lot of indoor time. I am OK with that in the morning, and in the afternoon as long as I have a decent eleven o'clock walkie. But in the evenings, when mum wants to watch TV and chillax, I want to PLAY!! Or do training, as long as I can earn myself treats!

So after a programme about puppies, mum wanted to settle down in front of ladies' football AND athletics. Did I think this was a good idea? Nope. I nudge her, hard, until she reacts. Or bark, that works too. See, she is trying this tactic to ignore me. But I know that. It just doesn't work. Tonight, we did nosework, rally obedience training and a couple of "hide the treat in a sock, tie a tight knot and then hide the sock" during TV night before I was finally happy.

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