
By Jamjar

Well so that's what's happened!  I've just been watching the news this evening, the first details that I've heard about the election and it's a bit of a mess.

This election was the first in my life in which I really didn't know who to vote for. It couldn't possibly have been the Liberal Democrats (sorry IttH) because of their stance on Brexit, although I heartily approved of their pledge to add 1p to income tax - in my view the best way of raising the money the country so desperately needs for the NHS, education and social care. 

Jeremy Corbin has certainly grown on me and he seems like a really genuine bloke, although I'm still not sure I could ever see him as a Prime Minister.  His ideas are commendable but I just can't see him having enough money to enable them to be put into effect.  Taxing the rich is all very well, but as an accountant friend said, the rich will just find ways of not paying... or they'll leave the country.  The other thing about Corbin is that he'd take the country back to the seventies in some ways, and I really don't want to go back there!

I quite liked Teresa May, except that she's coming over as becoming more and more authoritarian and I don't much like that, but I think (hope) that she'll do a good job with the EU.  She misjudged the electorate this time, but we have what we have and must move forward now.

And now I'll go and fry an egg, put it on some toast and eat it with the salad, having had a sea bream lunch cooked for me by my friend J in Nottingham.

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