Whit Friday

The brass band march competitions on Whit Friday are deliciously bonkers events that take place at twenty-odd villages around the Manchester area.  Upwards of 100 bands, some in fancy dress, some from abroad, zoom around the area trying to compete at as many events as possible.

At each one they queue up, play a march whilst marching up the street, then play a different march in front of a caravan or building where their performance is judged.  Some bands do it to raise much needed funds.  Others do it for a laugh with friends.  All have a great time.

We took a member of our camera club with us who'd never been before and she had a great time.  It wasn't at all what she had been expecting.

Only on Whit Friday can you find storm troopers playing percussion, a pirate conducting with a hook, and spectators having a conversation with a trombonist dressed as a parrot.

The drummer in the last extra, who was using his drum to hold his beer, was from Rong Brass who'd come all the way from Norway.  The Swiss band that we saw had flower girls and men holding horns full of flowers.

Some more photos on flickr.

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