The Story of Mrs Lillie Beales

Once upon a time Elaine and Rob owned a car that they loved very much. They called her Mrs Lilliie Beales and drove everywhere in her. She is, as you can see, a convertible Hillman Minx and has red leather seats. Eventually they sold her but they never forgot her. In fact when their daughter was born they called her....guess....yes! Lillie.

Many years later Rob was flicking through a car magazine.. he loves cars....and he saw in the cars for sale section one that looked just like Mrs Lillie Beales. He made enquiries and sure enough it was their old car now living just a few miles away. Elaine and Rob went to see the car and fell in love with her all over again. So they bought her for a second time. Now there are two Liilies in their family and they are all going to live happily ever after.

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