
By FloydOnFilm

This Is Just Silly

This is the last time I'm going to comment on the early arrival of Christmas, I promise, but this is becoming ridiculous.

I blipped on September 1st the sale of Christmas crackers in Dobbies Garden centre. Today in the same place I spied this flyer for a Christmas charity evening on OCTOBER 4TH.

I'm all for raising money for good causes but how can it be a Christmas evening in October. Personally I do not want mulled wine, mince pies and a festive menu in any month that does not start with the letters Dec, I certainly do not want to be serenaded by live music if, as I suspect, it is Christmas music and if I create "beautiful fresh foliage decorations" how do I keep them alive for the next 82 days.

The ironic thing is that on the next table was a flyer offering me "super summer savings" on vegetable seeds. Make your mind up!

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