My boy has been a star this week. He has been checking that I'm ok, giving me big hugs and telling me how much he loves me.

My boy has been missing his sister this week too, yet he is still covering for her when I ask him what she is up to I don't get any detail.

My boy was excited to know that his father was returning on Thursday and stayed up late to see him, then played it cool.

Most of today the boys have been giving it all the football chat and I have been observing and storing little nuggets of information to make the next trip easier.

My boy is off out partying tonight, he tried on his outfit before heading into town with his pals, safe in the knowledge that he looked 'tidy' and possibly 'fat'( which I believe is a good thing), so there was no need to splash the cash.

My boy won't often sit for me but just now we have something quite special going on. I love my boy.

(My girl it seems is partying her little socks off and it's all on facebook. Everyone is mentioning it but no-one will let me see it. Perhaps that's for the best, I am so glad she is enjoying herself)

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