
By Aliscotia

Eye eye!

I visited the Eye Clinic at Cheltenham Hospital today. My optician recommended they see me after my annual eye test as he noticed my cornea was quite damaged. 
I have had dry eyes for the past 8 years, gradually worsening and the doctor confirmed today that they were the driest eyes he had seen today and probably would see all week. As such he is recommending plugs for my drains so that when I add artificial tears (I use eye drops every 90 minutes or so) they will last that much longer. I have asked for 6 weeks to think about it and do some research. You, my blipfriends, are part of my research. If you know anyone who has had this procedure done then I would welcome the chance to exchange an email with them to understand how they have found it to improve their eyes.
In the meantime here is one of my eye drops with an orchid reflected in it!

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