2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Three at once

This afternoon I was late getting to the match to set up the music and the PA system. You know what it's like when you get behind: you seem to spend all your time just trying to catch up.

So I never really felt as though I was up with the play this afternoon.
I did manage to announce all 5 of our goals (we won 5-0) and got the scorers names right.
And I announced the Buxton substitutes correctly.

But the AFC Fylde manager decided after the 5th goal he would rest three players and did all three substitutions at the same time!

I started with "A PA Man's dream: three substitutions are being made by The Coasters!" I should have followed it up with "There are three going off, so please welcome the three coming on!" and left it at that!

The other three at once is the subject of today's blip.
I was looking at the gallery on the Freckleton Half Marathon web site and saw the last three race mementoes were not on there. So I'm doingthis then adding this photo to the race site.

The rucksack was the last one that I picked. Last year's umbrella's were well received, as were the large shoe bags (which will take walking boots).

When I was Race Director I said I would never do a medal or a tee shirt because runners have generally got drawers full of them. And if it's in a drawer it's not advertising the race. So we do useful stuff that people will keep handy. They get good use out of it and it advertises the race.

Entries only opened a few days ago and today I get a note from a blipper to let me know they have entered. I don't know what we are giving as a memento yet, I just hope the blipper isn't expecting a tee shirt or medal :)
My vote would be for a bottle of red wine with a bespoke race label on it. I would naturally have to get samples from the suppliers to establish the quality meets our high standards.

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