
This journey by bus was into Plymouth with an old work colleague whilst my car was being serviced. 

My blip Journey of which this is the 1000th, has taken a fair while longer! I thought of making the chickens of yesterday my blip and did some back blipping from 2016 – then decided this one was more apt! I still have some gaps which I may fill some time! 
My experience of blip was unexpected, as has been my life since I finished working by resigning. I don’t really plan things, I just make decisions which can change my life in small or big ways. Sometimes they are swift, sometimes they take some deliberation but even then, they seem to be decided in an instant. Things happen and I react without hesitation. I quite like the unexpected – which is a good thing, as life has a habit of throwing those things up. Even things which are expected can blow one away because they happen sooner or in a way you could not have expected.  I’m happy to say blip has been one of those good unexpected things. The contact and support I have received here and that has spilled into my everyday life has been wonderful. I have been saddened by other blippers having unexpected things blowing their lives apart, but I have also been moved to laughter and delight by both photographs and words. 
So, like the time that my 1000 blips have recorded so far, I have no idea what the next blips will record and what I may blip – or when I may blip it! I’ve long since given up blipping on the day, back blipping by 2-3 days seems to have become my norm and I don’t know if suddenly one day I will decide not to blip that day or for a while! When I do blip I hope they will involve friends and beautiful things, the allotment and of course my chickens, not forgetting FatCat and Milkshake. But I take nothing for granted, expect the unexpected or just deal with what life throws up seems the best approach! 

( Finding out I had gone up a bra size when I was fitted in M&S was one of those unexpected things – I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing!)

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