The Other End of Town

Here's Duncan and Gordon at Broxburn enjoying the space around Iain and Lindsey's new home which is waaaay over the other side of town. It must have taken us, oh, at least 15 minutes to get there. On our bikes. Far, far away, we must keep in touch...

Big Broxburn.

The morning was spent building a new bike for Malcolm from his old bike, a frame and forks I'm not using and a bargain Crank Brothers headset. Bling! We enjoyed using a load of specialised tools-for-the-job, including headset remover, headset press, crank remover, bottom bracket tool, cassette tool... Most of the toolbox really.

Then off to Broxburn for a bit of afternoon tea and lots of quality chat.

Late to bed after watching Dr Who...

Good day!

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