
By PaulaJ


We've travelled a lot in France over the years and one mantra that we have is:

Don't travel on French motorways on a Saturday in September.

So today (on a Saturday in September) we travelled on French motorways.

And (what a surprise!) we came upon:

The heaviest traffic we have seen in a long, long time. Add to that high winds, tremendously long queues at roadworks, French drivers who think it is OK to travel down the hard shoulder in order to jump said queues; roads closed for no reason at all; queues at the peage . . . !

And then, when we eventually managed to leave the motorway, we had a long, long road through the mountains, tunnels through mountains and then a real scary mountain road twisting up and up and up.

We are now in a rather nice hotel in the Jura Mountains, with a view of Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc. But to blip that view would not reflect the day we have had. So I give you:

The reason why one should not travel on French motorways on a Saturday in September.

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