The changing colours of the Santa Brigidiana

I wanted to say on the Blip when I arrived back in Florence - the car temp gauge was reading 40C - a few days back that it was notable how much the colours of the countryside had changed again. So much of the spring green is now gone. The hay is gathered and the punishing sun is burning the grass back to straw-blonde.

The vineyards have been cleared of  their weeds and interplanted broad beans  so the rows of ever-darker vines are stark against the umber earth.

The woodlands now look more variegated, the darker oaks against the higher ranging chestnuts which are all in flower and have a slightly frothy look. The broom still blooms and the growth spurt of paler olive leaves is very noticeable.

The mosquitoes are much more noticeable and I bought more anti-gear from the Co-op today. My ankles and toes have taken a pounding,

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