Goodnight, Sweet Prince

“Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ”

William Shakespeare — Hamlet

A blood red rose bloomed today for our beloved BB who said goodbye to all his earthly cares and woes this evening.  We will miss the old galoot something fierce.  He was the sweetest, most gentle soul.  Movie star handsome (in a canine way), a gourmand, world-class babysitter, always and affably in the way, possessor of the most amazing Hobbit feet, a lover, a leaner, easily hypnotized by flickering flames in a fireplace, a shunner of swimming (!), friend to all.  The world was a better place with him in it.  I really hope Sally is waiting for him at the other end.  I'm sure she is.

Heartbroken and sad beyond words tonight.

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