
By tourist


I moved to this city at the beginning of August last year to study not realising how much i would enjoy my time here. I think when i compare it to what i was used to out in Aberdeenshire it just seems to be interestingly enough cheaper for me to do things than where i was before. This is quite funny because apparently per head of population Edinburgh is the most expensive city in the UK (that's more expensive than London!).

I noticed how people tend to be a bit more to themselves here as well, i mean in Aberdeen if you stop someone onto the street asking for directions most of the time they will happily stop and help you out whereas in Edinburgh i've found most of the people i stop to be rude and just look at you with a "i really don't want to talk to you" kinda look.

I think what bothers me the most about today was i found it hard to accept that at the end of June i will be moving back to Aberdeen. I want to stay here longer though, but if my plans to go to Australia come to action i really need to settle back in up in Aberdeen again. I know for sure when i come back from Australia i will probably move and live in Edinburgh for as long as i can imagine as i love this city. I like how you can walk down the Royal mile and here a lone piper playing "Highland Cathedral" or some other Scottish song. I like how on Princes Street you have the guy standing there holding that "Golf" sign. Just simple little things like that.

There seems to be more happening here than i could have ever expected, even more so on days like today where the sun was out shining away making it such a beautiful scene. Everywhere city in the world has it's bad parts, but not everywhere has the kinda good sides that you can find here in Edinburgh. I only wish i moved here sooner. For those of you who have lived here all your lives then i am a little jealous.

Chocolate you were right. I should have gone out to see the city more in my time here. After all, this place is still very new to me despite having been here for nearly 8 months.

As a site note and slightly off topic, this is the first complete calender month i have posted a blip a day since i started in October last year.

I hope you are all having a good weekend!

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