Messing about in Boats

Frankly I was very glad to be a passenger today which started with The Boss deciding to walk from Manly to Colloray (about 15Km with side trips) but by the end of play we had racked up 22Km. I think The Boss has forgotten he has legs ‘Cos he can’t feel them anymore. 

Tonights image comes from The Sydney Harbour Bridge using the same process as last nights effort but before you go rushing up there you need to kno that this is from the area of the stone support towers not the bridge ‘Cos they don’t move. The bridge does. Trust him he knows this stuff. The opera house, especially on request for The Bossess, was from the same place and for those who asked the masking tape was to tie his collapsed tripod on to the wire grid above the stone ledge. Worked a treat. The second extra is Manly Beach and if you look at that headland in the top I think thats where we walked to.
This trail was a very good walk and featured golden sandy bits, paved walkway bits, very rugged OMG don’t fall over the edge bits, wooden walkway bits, Metal walkway bits and assorted coffee and ice cream shops scattered about. At the end we walked 100 metres and caught a bus back to Manly. It was  a five hour trip (Not the bus bit the other bit) with lots of side trips and stops so if you just walked it would have been faster but not as much fun. Manly is a very dog friendly place (Wiif to Wooffy a Coca..thingie)   and most of this trail is too except the OMG bits which are not really OMG but The Boss was glad he had his walking pole.
Tired Tiny T

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