Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

The Great Hunter

Loki listening intently for mice running around in the grass. He wasn't very successful, but he sure had fun :)

Mr. Badger ran off to a LAN party today, so it was just me and the dogs. I ran out and did some shopping type errands and treated myself to some yummy Panera for lunch. If you have never had a dog with separation anxiety before, you don't know how amazing that above sentence is :) Loki is doing so much better, and I can actually leave the house with relative peace of mind now to do tasks that are common place for most people! Feels good! By the time I put everything away and enjoyed my scrumptious lunch, I passed out reading (lack of sleep all week caught up to me!) and I didn't wake up until 5ish =\ So by the time I was walking the dogs, the light was already fading fast. I didn't get anything I was super happy with, but meh. Still love my lens though ;)

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