
I did have a big blip lined up for today. That's before realising after I posted yesterday's blip that the Leap year affected the day for my 2190th blip. I started on the 16th of September back in 2006 so was pretty sure today should have marked six full years worth.

Anyway, the plan for today was obviously out the window. So I just got photos of MAddy instead. She's deliberating over party invites as her Granny is about to get some building work done on her house and has said she can have a party there before it's done as an early birthday party. It is limited to twenty people though so it's not going to be a major one. It's still bigger than we'll allow her to have in our house though.

A big thank you to everyone as well for all the comments on my six year blip. I'll get round to individual messages tomorrow.

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