A rushed photo today, I had a meeting at Church House Westminster, a forum on family faith, and very stimulating it was. Sadly, I had to dash off to Southwark Cathedral and I passed through Borough Market on the way. I stopped to look at the flowers and read the messages left from the awful events before the most recent awful, tragic events ….. when will it end? The messages were heart-wrenching. When viewed from a distance the word coming over and over again, the constant refrain through all the messages, was one of love. I am humbled and amazed by the outpouring of love when terror and tragedy strikes the most innocent of our brothers and sisters. And when faced with the question of where is God in all this? I see glimpses of God running up a stairwell to rescue the helpless, bringing food and clothing, a hug and a smile for those left with nothing and no-one. I see glimpses in the clamour for justice, in the messages of hope, in generosity, goodness and kindness. Perhaps in the tears too. And maybe glimpses in the provocative riling of the human spirit that force us to be fully present, fully engaged and fully human. so today is one of those unsettling, troubling, provocative days.

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