All eyes on the PlayStation

It was Will's class assembly this afternoon. Not a performer by any stretch of the imagination, he was in charge of lights and has been enthusiastic with updating us all week.

And it was great, lots of constantly changing colours and spotlights, all spot on each time. When his head of year was telling them how well they had all done, he did a little flashy light encore. All round ever so good.

And in an exciting snippet of other news, I collected my new trial contact lenses this morning and by jove it works!! I can see near and far, all at the same time with no need for any glasses. I am bloody delighted.

And other stuff about Will, he has really got himself together in the last month or so. This is the boy who has lost one pair of school shoes and two pairs of trainers this year due to vagueness and carelessness. Now he remembers pe days, swimming days, special uniform school photo days - it's like my little baby is growing up a little bit.

Happy Friday peoples

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