My lucky day

Thank goodness HareBrain  was on hand to see me this morning as I decided 'today's the day' when I would actually leave the cosiness of my home in a nest box outside her kitchen window.  I did hesitate for quite a while.  HareBrain was dying to have her breakfast but was too interested in me bobbing in and out of the nestbox wondering if I would dare to take my maiden flight.  After a few more feeds from Mum & Dad I decided to go.  HB lost sight of me but noticed a strange lump in the bird bath .... me.  HB wasn't dressed or washed at this time but very quickly donned a garment or two (hoping the neighbours weren't watching) and raced down the stairs to the birdbath.  I'm still breathing at this point  as I landed on my back in only a little, and rather dirty water .....  I think the young Starlings have been polluting it with their vigorous bathing.  HB scooped me up and took me indoors, gave me beak to beak and a few compressions, shook me vigorously and then placed me on some kitchen roll surrounded by lots of cotton wool and on top of a hot water bottle.  She rubbed me quite roughly, like you do with new born puppies etc. and encouraged me to breathe and stay alive with words such as ....  ' come on breathe, don't die on me please, you can do it etc' ....  Well, I am in A&E after all and I think that's how they speak to patients when they need to keep them focused??  After much shivering and coughing I got better and I suddenly surprised HB by taking off and doing circuits and bumps round her sitting room.  Not knowing what to do next HB rings Blip friends Hillyblips and Tigger101 for advice. Advice was to get me back outside so that my Mum could take over, which she did, and guess what I was seen doing shortly after:   having a drink from that very dangerous birdbath.

HB you really need to get rid of that birdbath which is only suitable for those gangster Starlings and bigger birds.

If you would like to see the whole episode of my adventurous fledging this morning then please to look here.

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