
By Ballbins

Dognorance is bliss

Spent around 7 hours at the allotment today, the dogs were there for 3 hours or so. Edie ( the pup) is a pain in the bum, getting her long (9ft) leash wrapped around picnic bench legs, broad beans and her brothers stumpy tail. She is always up to no good.
Once again I met more interesting people today, I'm quite blown away by how much happier and content I've been since having my plot. I think growing your own food, digging etc should be on prescription for depression, it's changed my outlook and state of mind completely.
I've volunteered to organise a BBQ on the site at the end of July. The last time they had one was 4 years ago and a lot of people say they miss it, but for whatever reason they can't help or give their time in helping. I'm happy to do it, excited even.
I will keep you posted !

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