
By Legacy

The Other Side

Well, what a surprise! I went back to what I thought was the bottle-bottom wall of yesterday's blip and what did I find on the other side of the wall but the whole bottle, or rather a whole lot of whole bottles. I thought that the wall might photograph better with the sun shining through the bottles which wasn't possible from the front. The light wasn't really right from either side but I was really surprised to see all the bottles. The building's tenant is a pediatric dentist and each of the dental cubicals looks out through a floor to ceiling window on the bottle wall. I would think it's a nice visual diversion for the kids who might be a little apprehensive. There's only about five or six feet between the windows and the wall so I'm glad I picked a Saturday when the office was closed to stalk the inside of the wall. Thanks for the blip-tip Mary Jo!

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