Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle


Still fuming from last night's Grenfell edition of Newsnight on BBC2. The program as a whole was OK, despite there not being enough info from the offivials/authorities regarding the number of deaths, but what really got me was when they showed the cladding construction to demonstrate the chimney effect using computer animation.

As an engineer/technician I have a pretty good idea how things are assembled and judging by what the BBC showed, the cladding assembly was absolutely shocking. The assembly method used was by far one of the easiest to carry out, in other words the cheapest. The fact that there was a (chimney) gap between the insulation and external aluminium panel just made me fecking mad. This gap was repeated another 26 times (27 floors total). At this point I am almost loosing it. Oh, and the cladding was not fireproof either....

One could easily blame the authorities for choosing this design from 3 designs in total, but the cheap(est) design should NEVER have been considered let alone used or even shown to the authorities.

There have been concerns previously regarding this design as some people have spoken out about it on social media. But the fact that many engineers, builders, contractors were used to install such cladding (presumably turning a blind eye to the gap issue) in the first place just beggars belief. It isnt rocket science. Even a scout or a GCSE pupil could work out where the fire hazard problem would occur.

I hope all the victims get the justice they deserve. Answers are needed. FAST.

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