
By disconbobulate

old 45mm minolta lens reversed onto 18-55mm crappy canon kit lens.

this isnt so impressive unless you know those leafs are teensy! vignetting due to the 45mm being much smaller than the lens it is reversed onto. no cropping, no postwork.

more macros to follow in the next couple days while I adjust to my beautiful 50mm being sent for replacing.

got quite a bit done really. have to take a test to prove I can handle life in England to apply for permanent residency. I didnt allow myself much time to study cause I didnt realise it was gonna be one of those tricksy ones.


what percentage of blah is blah?

a. 1.1%
b. 1.2%
c. 1.3%

times 400 possible questions, it can be hard to memorise which ones were 1.2 and which were 1.3. eek?

anyways. I got 3 chapters of 6 studied and the little picky percents down :) which is better than I thought.

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