
By AliV


Sometimes life is busy, everyone has their own different responsibilities and things that fill up life. For me, as a working mum of a toddler, I often have to multi task. Whether it's using the commute to research potty training, cooking dinner while thinking about house improvements, or online banking while in the bath! 

I've been desparately needing to weed for weeks. Hampered mostly by unpleasant weather, which has further grown the weeds! Then I had a week long lurgy which is finally almost passed. And we were committed to an enjoyable trip to Scone today (with visitors and other things in the morning first). 

So given the weather was mild and dry, and I was crying for some more fresh air, I took my beverage of choice (all we had, we forgot to stop at Asda for the rioja I really wanted!), and did the weeding! 


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