
What happens when the solar system implodes!

For the first time in more than six and a half years of blipping, I completely missed posting a photo yesterday.  

I did take photos, I was just so busy with Sebastian and with trying to update an old laptop of mine that I want to take away with me (its lighter than my usual one so better to cart while travelling), that I completely forgot to post.

I did think about it before we went out for Thai for dinner.  But was so involved with computer tutorials with Sarah and Ben afterwards that it totally slipped by.

Just as well I noticed some oil on a plate when I was doing the dishes yesterday morning, and was inspired to have a faff around with it.

Anyway I had a great afternoon in Christchurch with Sebastian, and then a lovely dinner out with his family.  I stayed at their new house last night too so that they could help me with computer issues.

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