Red roses

Red roses have a meaning, white roses you do not just give and pink roses have a message.

Romance, Passionate love, Seduction, Passion, Beauty, Perfection, I love you, Gratitude, Appreciation, Warmth, Desire

Innocence, Purity, Humility, Purity, New Beginning, Friendship, Hope, Respect, Respect, Covenant, Piety, Truth, Birth, Native
Light pink (salmon) Elegance, Adoration, Poetic, Local love, Desire, Happiness, Youth, Energetic, Teacity, Joy, Innocence, Sweet, Courage, Romance, Faith, Fun

Dark pink
Gratitude Appreciation Adel Royal Magie Mystery Authority Neutral Free Objective Immaculate Intimate Confidential Homely Delightful Personalized Cuddly

Energy, Active, Power, Joy, Optimism, Rays, Growth, Hug, Joy, Warmth, Sun & Spring, Forgive, Friendship, Bonding

Happiness, Expectation, Healing, Excited, Powerful, Life !, Healthy, Durable, Natural, Hope, Motivated

Happiness, warmth, sociability, fun, vitality, attention, movement, sporty, festivity, movement, extravert, warmth, optimism

These are 40 roses for my wife: "My love for you is sincere"
For our 40 year marriage.

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