A New Day

By ANewDay

Loch Maree Viewpoint


The photo is of a very famous view from just above Kinlochewe looking down the winding road to Loch Maree.  I had to wait a while for about 20 Belgian bikers to drive off before I could get access to the view, as everyone wants the same photo:-)

A day of driving through rain and mists to Torridon and Shieldaig and taking endless pictures of mountains that I now fail to recognise, so I'll spare you them!

We stopped at Gairloch on the way back to the cottage and took a view over the town while the rain had stopped.  Encountered the first (and only) midges of the week while taking that shot, as we hadn't thought to put on our midge spray or nets!  That will teach us to be complacent:-)

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