Not every day

By ppatrick

Home [is] the sailor, home from the sea

Billy, a former merchant seaman, came home to look after his aged parents many years ago, and has lived alone in the same bungalow since they died. An only child, he has been fiercely self-reliant all his life. In August he had a fall and was unable to summon help for several days - possibly more than a week. He was able to drag himself on the floor but not to get up, having injured his legs in the fall. He drank water from last winter's hot water bottle and soaked birdseed which he was then able to eat with his rather poor teeth. Eventually he managed to make himself heard by rolling a piece of card into a primitive megaphone and directing his voice to an open upper window. A neighbour then called the emergency services, who climbed through the same window "like cats", as Billy put it.

Billy is now largely recovered, but will not go home until the house has been adapted and other services arranged to keep him safe and improve his quality of life. His friends are hoping to arrange a celebration at home for his ninetieth birthday this November.

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