Blue Ridge Parkway...... North Carolina

You can tell from this photo why the Parkway is called the BLUE Ridge Parkway.....  Not matter the weather, sunny, cloudy or rainy, there is a blue haze over the mountains.  I can guess why this phenomenon happens, but that is what it would be, a guess.....   The Rangers and people from there say that it is the refraction of light and the moisture in the air caused by the winds flowing around and through the mountains.....  One guess is as good as another as far as I am concerned.....  I think it is a beautiful blue haze.

       I also have been told that the only time you might get clear, sharp pictures leading your eye down the sky line is during the winter, when the temp is near zero and the water vapor is non existent ( so it can't refract the light).

     The Parkway is not a drive for the faint of heart!  It is narrow, but not terrible, the speed limit is up to 45, which I think is too fast, and the hairpin curves, swichbacks and S curves are SHARP, with little to no visibility, while the side of the road is small, looking over a drop of 300-1000' into an abyss!   Now, this girl is not a wilting flower, nor a shrinking violet....  I climb ladders, cross over bridges, peer over cliffs, stand on ledges in the Grand Canyon,  traverse logs and climb rocks.  I jump horses, HIGH, I go in flying Blimp's,  ride out storms on boats when there is 6-9'waves breaking over the bows of boats!!!!!
BUT........  I have to tell you that today's ride left me white knuckling the door rest, grinding my teeth, unwilling (or unable) to take my eyes off of the road!.   It felt like sheer terror, going down those mountain roads......    and then a bicycle'r was on the side of the road, with no pathway, mind you, looking at a curve that switched around revealing an on-coming car!
     I am so glad to be writing you this misfit on my bed!!!!!!!!!
Where's a glass of wine when you need it?

Other than that, we had a wonderful day exploring the mountains and dodging rain drops, sunshine, clouds  (he weather really did co-operate  as we never got rained on, only sprinkles).

The extra is a view of one of many tunnels on the parkway..... coming off of a curve, heading inside......  the mountain.

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