I Will Live With That Particular Faux Pas...

Monomonday: Silly Mistake
Somehow as I get older I seem to be making more silly mistakes...panicking I've lost my phone when it's in my pocket, going to the shops for toilet roll and coming home with everything but, making a full roast dinner forgetting that Sushi is vegetarian...but you may remember my recent embarrassment as I sent a particularly dreadful photo to a group of people of me with a credit card stuck to my forehead that was only meant for the eyes of the online optician for my new varifocals.

Although I haven't yet got over the embarrassment, I have got my new glasses and at nearly £200 cheaper online than the optician I "should have gone to" for 2 pairs... I will live with that particular faux pas.

Thanks to DollyKGray for once again setting a great mm challenge.

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