First cauliflower

I've had a really busy, long day. I woke up at 6 and had a cup of tea and read only until 7.30am as it was still cool I wanted to get on and do the jobs I set myself. First job was to take down the spare bed and clear all Matt's portfolios out from under the bed. It took nearly an hour but did it. It was getting hotter and hotter,  I envy those of you who had it cooler today. I was sweating buckets after I took all the bits downstairs. I was going to put it into the garage but when I got outside found it was lovely and cool so I emptied the car and loaded it up with a tip trip. Next job was to tidy the garden and pull up all the little poppies as the foliage was dead. I looked like I'd done a Zumba class in the end so had a lovely shower. There were plenty of workers at the tip so didn't have to sort all my rubbish.  Came back via the garden centre and got everything I needed. It was far too hot to do gardening when I got home so waited until late afternoon to do the back garden and this evening for the front. I had to water again and as I was watering I noticed this first cauliflower and it's tiny. 
There is a bit of a breeze in the back so it should be cooler tonight. 

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