
When I pulled back the curtains this morning I could see there was a lovely sky towards the East. I usually help out at school on Wednesday mornings and being ready early for once, I thought I would just drive down to the end of the next street to where there are only paddocks between me and the sea. Glad I did now because  the sky was lovely, and in the Blip you can see distant cattle with mist rising around them. The sky almost had a green-y tinge in places.

As an extra, there is a shot of the cattle and mist and birds flying. I was quite torn as to which one to blip. I dont know about the J or the E or even the 6 for Wide Angle Wednesday  - perhaps they were jersey cows?  There were more than 6 of them. I was also elated to see the lovely sky :-))

I have a question for the clever folk who knows these things - what is the longest focal length you can have and it still be a wide angle shot? This one is 28 mm.

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