Summer Solstice

Summer is riding in on a week of heat advisories. I sat up under the arbor in the cool of the morning and thought there was no better picture to take today. Our house doesn't really curve, but I used the panorama function on my camera to take advantage of the view. This is the only place from which the palm trees (which are being taken out in a couple of weeksI) look good, as all their fronds are above the level of the roof. The trunks, which are all that can be seen from the house, are not so nice. The tall blossoming spike from the blue agave is now officially taller than even the palm trees, and is beginning to take on a distinct list toward the driveway. 

In other thoughts: I read an article in the Sunday NYTimes discussing the role of the internet and social media in our current political predicament. The speed with which the message can travel and the lack of validation of claims that are often made lead people into like minded groups. This is true for responsible causes and hate mongers alike, isolating and polarizing us. Language and images are growing coarser and anger and hate have become an industry as a result.

One could argue that the internet gives permission for bad behavior, and it certainly  can facilitate it, but I can't help thinking that Blipfoto is a perfect example of how social media can function in a positive way. Without spelling it out, the motto "be excellent" seems to be enough.  It is true, we aren't a strident lot, but we know the meaning and value of civilized discourse and gentle behavior. And as a result, we can validate ourselves and our opinions without surrendering quaint notions like tact and restraint. No wonder we all value it so much...

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