
By AliV


Goodbye, Barrhead High. You are getting knocked down this week!

You taught me the academic stuff, some subjects better than others. You taught me to speak up for myself. You taught me that there are some people in life you just don't mess with! You taught me that some people get a better start in life than others.  You taught me that quite often the "bad" kids had other stuff going on that was pretty shit. And you taught us all to aim high!

Mr Dykes started as headteacher the same year I started. He turned the whole school around. Re-introduced blazers and prefects and general high standards. He was a giant! Well over 6.5ft! And he had a phrase that has always stuck with me. 

"Short term sacrifices, long term gains". 

School days matter, for good or bad. 

Farewell old school! 

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