
By katgirl

Frozone Was Here

Frozone arrived last night and the ice continued to mount all day. I have no idea how our mail man made it up the driveway, as just retrieving the mail from our box was dangerous work today.

Our neighbors kindly brought in our trash can yesterday before we arrived home and left the anti-raccoon bungee cords on top. They are now frozen in place.

I had a close runner up tonight to choose from. This is Bob in his new hiding place today. During hide and seek, he knows I can find him even if he closes the bathroom door. Although he is small for his age, he has not been small enough to hide in the bathroom sink in quite some time.

On another note, I have been pondering the founding membership. I am immensely grateful to Blip for inspiring first James and now me to enjoy photography. We are both love it and are better for it. I have particularly enjoyed sharing snippets of my life with others and we have made some good friends as a result. I had initially resisted the founding membership, as I didn't like the idea of a hierarchy. But when I consider how much this site has given me, I am happy to help.

EDIT: I sincerely apologize to Flick for offending her with the original version of the founding membership. Flick is my blip role model & I simply felt that if she felt comfortable with it, I am as well. Sorry, Flick.

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