Two lip tree.

Went to  Sainsbury's to do the shop  this morning. On the way home, J dropped me in town, as I wanted to go to Open Church. My regular followers will remember, that last week, Adrian,( one of the volunteers) showed me some photos  that he had taken of a tulip tree, which was allegedly not far away from the church. I couldn't find it last week, so as soon as he arrived this morning,I asked him where it was. Come on, he said, I will show you. So I left my bag with Annie, the volunteer for today,grabbed my camera, and off we went. Kevin decided he was coming as well. Well no wonder I couldn't find it, as I was looking for a small tree, or shrub, but this was almost as big as an oak tree, and the flowers were right at the top. It was quite funny, as we were all staring up at the tree, another member of church came along, and asked us what we were looking at. When we told him, he said, that's a magnolia tree. I think Adrian was a bit crestfallen, but because the flowers look very like tulips, that has become the common name for them. Sorry that is a bit of a long winded explanation, but that's just the way it happened. See my extra. Hope it's suitable for Flower Friday, and thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

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