
By HaxSyn

Edinburgh Gold

The city's Olympic Athletes took an open top bus through the city today, to give Sir Chris Hoy the freedom of the city. The day started off reasonably dry and there was some sunshine but as if by clockwork it clouded over and started raining just in time for the bus to start it's journey.

I picked a spot where I had hoped to get a "classic" photo of the bus and athletes in front of the castle. The bus stopped in a perfect position unfortunately all the athletes were facing the other way and a stupid photographer on the bus obviously had the same idea and stood right in-from of Sir Chris Hoy! Grrr!

When the bus started moving again, I took quite a few pictures but not many of them came out very well :'-( Maybe I should give up taking photos. I've added a few of the better ones to a Blipfolio.

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