knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Woodland Optimism

Today was a Guild day and we had the pleasure of Joan and Clive from Woodland Turnery coming to visit.
Woodland Turnery make Timbertops spinning wheels as well as repairing and reconditioning old wheels. They are a lovely couple and their work is brilliant.
They've had a very tough year as their workshop burned down in March. Thankfully they weren't there at the time, but they lost most of their equipment as well as wheels and looms. The power of Ravelry and their customers has meant that they've been able to very quickly get back on their feet as donations of money, equipment, and support flooded in from all over the country. This has led to their business being able to keep growing from strength to strength.
Joan gave a great talk about how they came into business and their approach to life. They've always believed in optimism and that things happen for a reason. It does restore your power in people that even through the toughest times in life you can still pull yourself through it in one way or another and come out the other side.
I had to buy a couple of tapestry bobbins, mini shuttles and a baby niddy noddy as they were all very cute.
It was a great afternoon and we had a couple of new people come along, which is always nice.
Back to the loom tomorrow as I can feel like I'm nearly getting there.

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