Beautiful Swan

on the Kennet and Avon today :)

Bit of a morning today...

Last weekend I called Specsavers to order a pair of sunglasses which I'd chosen previously. The person I spoke to said they'd put them with my records and then I could go in to be measured up...

So I got there this morning and the girl could not find either the specs or the record anywhere ;(:(  

Whilst she was away from me still looking, I saw there was a Supervisor watching, so I beckoned her over.  Within 2 minutes she'd found both the specs and my record somewhere this girl hadn't looked!  Phew :)  Said girl was called away and someone else did the measurements...  

Now whilst I would hate it if it was me in trouble, I think I did right to complain...
End of rant

Then I popped into Three (currently I'm working for another Company for Three :)) to look at mobile phones as I've been given a voucher.  Excellent service and the sales person obviously understood and knew what he was talking about for a refreshing change.  When I can afford it I will get a better phone and contract...

Afterwards I walked along the canal a bit further where I saw this Ready to Take on the World :)  Also The Canal Boat Garden!

Finally I went to the local Christian Coffee/Bookshop for a quick coffee and catch up with a fairly new friend who works there as a volunteer...  The shop was empty at the time, but whilst we were talking a man came in and went to the back to the toilet.  As he came out again, his hand went to the counter and he picked up some cake (packaged) and walked on out without paying.  I told A and he went after him, got the cake back but not without abuse.... whilst I minded the shop a minute.

When he came back he called the shop Manager to let him know about it as this 'character' is fairly well known to them and the result is he will now be banned.  I feel bad about that but stealing is stealing in the law...

After all that, I popped into the toilets back at the car park (now charging 20p where they used to be free).  When I went in there was a lady just wandering and muttering to herself, seemingly lost....  I came out and she was outside, very blank as it were.  I was concerned, and spoke to a member of council staff nearby.  He observed and like me was concerned.  Just as he was saying perhaps we should contact someone, a gentleman emerged from the gents and took her by the arm and they went on their way...  Thankful she was being cared must be so difficult for carer's to do what is normal for the rest of us....

Phew!  What a morning, so glad to be home :) 

I wish I'd just gone to a National Trust place which is what I was going to do originally.  It was going to be a 'quick' visit to Specsavers, but ended up being there a lot longer than planned...

So I think I'll just be relaxing this afternoon (and the weather is very cloudy and cool anyway) and doing the essentials!

Happy Saturday folks :)

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