
Today Melody got up at 6.30 - yuk! Lucky daddy got up with her - it's unusual for her to wake so early after a late nite (9)
Anyway once up i made a choc cake and we went to find Emilie a cardi but couldn't - so went to grandads - donated aforementioned cake (but noticed he didn't finish his piece..) melody played on the trike and I collected blackberries - I was going to make crumble and jam but grandad gave me a jar gran made last week so now mine are freed up for blackcurrant liqueur :)
Also picked blueberries but after fb analysis turns out these are Sloe's.. Apparently u can make gin from them :( yuk prob just chuck them..
Then as we left there late - we got a Chinese.. Even tho dinner was marinating.. Would have taken ages :)
Then sorted out the 1600 pics I took THIS MONTH! I'm obsessed!!

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