
By Echo

Nearly There.

Blipped this at about 11.30 last night. When I uploaded it the date was wrong as the clock was nearly an hour fast so it had gone into today's date. Manic day yesterday trying to catch up with the things I should have done on Tuesday when I went to North Wales to turn the water off. Sod's law that since I went the temperatures have gone up.
More of the same today, Cassie here , dog to be clipped ,collect Sofia from school. Most things in the cases just to weigh them now and take half the things out again. cancel the papers then try to clean the house also to fit in a committee meeting later this p.m. Sorry Mr Brown I don't think I will have any time to meet you for a quick cabinet metting!!!
Will try to fit in some comments later. Please forgive my lack of them I have tried to catch up on some journals but have not got round to everybody. I will get sorted when we come back, she says hopefully.

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