Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Shadows in The Sun

Its Monday, work to go to and rushing around, so on with a quick blip.

I've had this idea I wanted to get some shadow's in the sun for a while, especially now the reflective ideas have come to an end. So today was that day, but the sun was playing hide and seek. Anyway, I've had various goes!

Its simple, piece of white paper and a camera :)

See what you think, not very spectacular. No Picasa or anything, just straight out of the camera, though I have played with HDR, but not here!

So far today:

Fiddled with my blip name (and its not succeeded :() Read instructions properly before you start :) Try again next month! I want to be Things Bright and Beautiful, but its not allowing the full thing with spaces, so I need to change next month again!

Rewrote my description, so have a read if you want :)

made blueberry muffins, yummy!

Still need to cook lunch (spaghetti bolognaise), wash hair and iron uniform (in two hours) before work!

Have a great day blippers :)

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