Reading the Good Book

The theme for today's Mono Monday hosted by Dollykgray is "15 Minutes of Fame".  Now having lived a very quiet, secluded life I found this a little taxing.  Then I remembered; in the dim and distant pass when I was at Sunday School, more for the company than the religion, I was entered for a bible reading competition.  I'm not sure why I was selected, maybe it was my Yorkshire twang, anyway I would practise regularly, it was probably a ploy to thrust some religion upon me, though as it was the old testament it was quite meaty.  

To my, and probably the school's, surprise I made it through to the Hull finals to be held at the Methodist Central Hall in the city centre.  The place was crowded when I stood up to the pulpit where a huge bible lay, I read, I stepped down, and when the results were announced I had achieved second fifteen minutes of fame. 

Obviously I can't remember which passage I read, nor how old I was, I must have still been at primary school, and this bible which Ann's grandma gave her on her 21st birthday, only a couple of years ago then, is not as large or decorative as the bibles from the 19th century, but it will do for my pic.

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