life through glass eyes..

By Steven

The wandering comes to an end..

So for the last 3 months or so I've been having a real hard time.. Not working as much, owing everyone under the sun money, breaking up with my girlfriend, unsolvable car problems and allot of hanging around the wrong people..

I guess the biggest loss when life is like that is losing yourself.. I'm crazy, charismatic and very determined.. That all left me for a little while..

This picture is to celebrate me coming back to me.. Finding my way..

I've met a few people over this last week who have helped me mass amounts (they would never even know it) to get back to being myself..
I've been wandering, wondering and trying my hardest to figure out whats going for so but finally have come out the other end of the bridge feeling like i know what to do!!

This photo is a celebration of just that.. I hope you enjoy!

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