horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

So... I broke my arm again...

Below is an update post I gave people while in hospital after a spill yesterday, which has all the gory detail. The image above is the x-ray showing a total break, and the shifted metal plate from a previous break 11 years ago.

* * *

Wee update. Got operated on this afternoon. Took around four hours but appears to have gone well.

If you're squeamish probably best to stop reading now...

Really slow speed on the roundabout outside Ocean Terminal, between it and the Holiday Inn. Just on the greasy wet the wheels went before I even knew it. Still had my hands on the bar when I hit the deck, with my elbow right underneath me.

I knew straight away there was something up. Tried lifting my arm and it was just falling limp, but at least I could move my fingers. A bus driver shouted to ask if I was okay, and matter of factly informed him my arm was broken. And then noticed the blood and realised it must be open / compound.

A girl in an Edinburgh Leisure top had stopped her car to help. She got my bike as I rested on a wall, then went into the hotel to see if there was a first aider. There wasn't, but told me to come and sit in the lobby while waited for an ambulance. I walked in and saw guests all sitting having their breakfast and turned round saying I didn't want to disturb their guests so I'd wait outside. Thankfully someone told me not to be so daft and took me back in.

Shock came in waves, as I was offered painkillers by departing guests (I politely refused) and spoke with ambulance control. It was going to take over an hour so I called Mel, and so got to A&E.

Seen straight way, gassed up, and x rayed in the room I was taken to in the first place. The full extent was then clear. Clean break, with the ends then overlapping about an inch, the broken end having punctured out the skin (oh so much blood) but fortunately popped back in. Having seen the x ray I could understand the 'scrunching' sensation whenever I moved...

Surgery clearly a necessity, an upgrade it was suggested, as the plates are better now, and I'd have one either side of the bone.

So here I am, pinging awake at 1.30am after dozing for a couple of hours, the nurse getting me some much appreciated tea and biscuits. I'm waiting for the nerve blocker to wear off for the arm to start hurting.

So I might as well try and sleep again. Tomorrow's another day.

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